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Oct 16 2019


LAGO PATRIA, Italy - The Hellenic community of JFCNP organized a volunteer blood donation on October 15, 2019, with the support of
AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue), at the Italian headquarters’ medical station.

Greek Airforce Brigadier General Apostolos Doukellis, senior national representative in JFC, led the campaign. “It is the first time that such an event has been organized in NATO headquarters,” said Doukellis. “The aim was to demonstrate the strong relationships and ethos between men and women in uniform, here in Lago Patria, but also as an expression of appreciation for the host nation’s support and hospitality.”
Prior to blood donation, all volunteer blood donors were examined by a doctor on the spot. Around 100 military and civilian people from 20 different NATO nations participated in the donation. The collected blood has been donated to Antonio Cardarelli hospital, the biggest transfusion center in Naples.
Doctor Michele Vacca, Director of transfusion service in Cardarelli hospital, welcomed the initiative.
“Military life is often associated with blood in a violent way,” said Vacca. “It is an act of generosity that NATO military are giving to civilian people.”
The Greek elementary school in JFC Naples adopted the project from the beginning and supported it with the presence of all of its students during this event. “What a life lesson for our children. Let’s blood for good, you take more than you give”, commented Doukellis.

Greek volunteer OF-4 Georgios Mentis gives blood during the blood donation at the Italian medical station in JFC Naples headquarters to help civilian hospital, on October 15, 2019 .

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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