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Oct 30 2019

Base Support Group Changes Command

 Story by Diana Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs

LAGO PATRIA, Italy – Italian Army Colonel Michele Galantino, relieved Italian Army Colonel Giancarlo Turco as Base Support Group Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, at the theatre today.

Presiding at the change of command was the Commander Joint Force Commander Naples, U.S. Navy Admiral James Foggo.

“My thanks go to all my friends who are here today,” Turco said. “Friendship is important for reciprocal benefit and to face in harmony all the problems”.

The U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band and a marching colour guard, representing Italy and NATO, took part in the event, which many civilian and military personnel attended.

“I have been a servant leader,” Turco continued. “I have always put the people’s needs first before everything else”.

Colonel Turco assumed command as Base Support Group Commander on December 18th, 2015.

“My goal is to build bridges to avoid war conflicts,” Turco concluded.

The Base Support Group is responsible for providing material, warehousing, property management and host nation liaison; coordinating facility engineering and maintenance, transportation services, reprographic services, health and environmental, safety and fire prevention in support of the JFC HQ and support elements.

Director of Management, Romanian Army Brigadier General Remus-Hadrian Bondor, emphasized the role of the Base Support Group Commander.

“The Base Command Group Commander is not an easy job,” Bondor said. “You must be available 24/7, and Giancarlo succeeded in this goal.”

“Giancarlo performed successfully in dealing with staff members of various nationalities, with different cultures and education,” Bondor concluded.

Turco invited all the participants at the end of the ceremony for a friendly toast with cake in the Community Center.

LAGO PATRIA, Italy – Italian Army Colonel Michele Galantino (left), who relieved Italian Army Colonel Giancarlo Turco (right) as Base Support Group Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, pose before cutting their cake at the theatre today. (Photo by American Army Sgt. 1st Class (OR-7) Michael O'Brien, JFC Naples Public Affairs) 


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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY