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Oct 24 2019

ACO Reprographics Holds 4th Annual Meeting at JFC Naples

Story by American Army Staff Sergeant Ann Ogonowski, JFC Naples Reprographics

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - NATO Reprographics sections from SHAPE, HQ Multinational Corps Northeast, HQ Allied Air Command, Netherlands Corps, HQ Allied Air Command, LANDCOM, and JFCNP joined forces for the 4th Annual ACO Reprographics Services Section Meeting 22-24OCT.  

Seventeen servicemembers and civilians alike shared individual shop data, capabilities, SOP improvements, and the way forward to keep NATO Reprographics sections relevant.

‘We are trying to create a joint Reprographics environment for all European NATO forces. If one shop doesn’t have a capability, another shop should be able to assist.’, according to Mr. Markus Kaiser, (OR-9, DEU-A), who led the symposium. He leads the Reprographics effort from Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Brussels and hopes the community will become closer to support each others’capabilities.

The Reprographics team here at JFC welcomed fellow Reprographics sections by coordinating transportation, hotel accomodations, meals, and coffee breaks at the Italian Consulate. On one starlit evening, the crew shared a traditional Italian meal served together at a long table complete with pasta, salad, white wine, and dessert on the rooftop of the accommodating hotel.

The Reprographics teams enjoyed camaraderie during the week, shared shop capabilities, and each others’ cultures from prospective countries. The BSM Branch Head OF-4, ITA-F Antonino De Pascale led the coordination efforts along the Section Chief, OR-9, ITA-A Lombardi Fabrizio, Ms. Demet Kiziltas and OR-4, ITA-F Iavarone Tommaso. Ssgt. Ann Ogonowski briefed on behalf of JFC Reprographics office to the rest of the section meeting members.

The section meeting ended with a farewell morning with members flying back to their Reprographics shops at their own NATO commands. Full of memories of history, coffee and classic Italian fare and hospitality, guests carried fond memories home. Overall, the JFC endeavor proved to be a successful hosting of NATO Reprographics Forces.

LAGO PATRIA, Italy - NATO Reprographics sections from SHAPE, HQ Multinational Corps Northeast, HQ Allied Air Command, Netherlands Corps, HQ Allied Air Command, LANDCOM, and JFCNP pose during the 4th Annual ACO Reprographics Services Section meeting from October 22 to 24. (Photo by German Air Force Master Sgt. Florian Fergen, JFC Naples Public Affairs)

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