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Oct 4 2019

ACO Headquarters and Partners Plan 2020 Evaluations

Story by JFC Naples J-9

CHISINAU, Moldova - Joint Force Command Naples’ Operational Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) team under the lead of J9 Military Partnership Branch head French Army Col. François Maréchal, participated in NATOs annual OCC E&F Scheduling Conference here from October 2 to 4.

The aim of the OCC E&F Programme is to improve the levels of interoperability and operational capabilities of partner units to enhance the operational relationship between the Alliance and partners contributing to NATO-led operations and to the NATO Response Force (NRF).

The programme, has outlined in the SACEUR’s Annual Guidance on Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (SAGE), is a very high priority of Supreme Allied Command Europe (SACEUR).

JFC Naples is responsible for the development, planning, coordination, implementation, and analysis of all OCC activities within its Area of Responsibility (AoR) in the Air, Land and Maritime domains.

The annual OCC E&F Scheduling Conference, conducted by SHAPE PD OCC Section, aims to harmonize and coordinate partners’ requests for conduct of OCC E&F evaluation for the upcoming year and beyond and to discuss important aspects of OCC E&F development.

CHISINAU, Moldova - Joint Force Command Naples’ Operational Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) team under the lead of J9 Military Partnership Branch head French Army Col. François Maréchal, participated in NATOs annual OCC E&F Scheduling Conference here from October 2 to 4. (Photo courtesy JFC Naples J-9)

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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