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Workshop focused on partnership takes place in Skopje

An annual military partnerships coordination workshop was hosted by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in Skopje,  April 23 to 27,  2018. 

SKOPJE, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* -- An annual military partnerships coordination workshop was hosted by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in Skopje, April 23 to 27, 2018.

The event, organized by the Military Partnership Directorate in Mons, Belgium, gathered almost 200 participants from all NATO countries and 29 partner nations.

"It is an outstanding opportunity for partners to share their views and values,” said Norwegian Army Major General Odd Egil Pedersen, deputy chief of staff of MPD. "I fully consider that partnership is contributing to projecting stability.”

During the week, meetings were conducted with the partners, allowing them to talk to all levels of NATO stakeholders. The Military Partnership Branch from Naples sent a contingent of servicemembers leading two days of bi-lateral meetings with key partners.

Many partners highlighted their good relations with NATO and expressed a common will to strengthen and further their links with the organization. Many speakers also discussed the need for ongoing work to improve and simplify partnership tools and mechanisms.

The Operational Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) program was at the center of many discussions. The program aims to allow certification of partner units to NATO standards strengthening NATO’s pool of forces. The Partnership Staff Post (PSP) is another program that allows partners to post staff troops in the NATO command structure. Currently, a Bosnian and a Serbian are posted in JFC Naples through this program.

 "It is crucial to remember that partnership is a two-way relationship,” said French Army Colonel Franck Faubladier, military partnership branch head at JFC Naples. "Reciprocity is a word of primary. We are not here to teach or to impose, we are here to share.

* Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name

Story by JFC Naples J9

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