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Second REGEX 19 Workshop Focuses on Planning

SKOPJE, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*  – The 2nd Regional Collective Training Event Planning Workshop in support of Regional Exercise (REGEX 19) took place from 10-14 December, 2018.  

Partner countries planned and exercised according to their national training requirements. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has taken the lead for REGEX 19, following Bosnia and Herzegovina (REGEX 16), Jordan (REGEX 17), and Serbia (REGEX 18) as partners.

A JFC Naples J7/J9 REGEX team, headed by FRA-A Lieutenant Colonel Christophe LE CERF (J7 TREX FOE Section Head), mentored the Workshop.  34 military personnel from 15 Partner countries, the African Union and an 18-person Host Nation team participated.

Workshop 2 focused on stages 3 and 4 of the NATO Exercise Planning Process. These two stages are the last two steps listed in NATO Bi Sc 75-03, the culmination of the Exercise Planning Course and the first process milestone of the REGEX initiative.
* Turkey recognizes the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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