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SACEUR sets the standard

U.S. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti,  Supreme Allied Commander Europe,  speaks to a JFC Naples audience on June 21 before presenting awards to various winners. (Photo by German Air Force Master Sergeant Dennis Tappe)

NAPLES, Italy – With the Supreme Allied Commander Europe at the helm, the SACEUR Commander’s Conference took place at Allied Joint Force Command Naples on June 20 to 21.

The conference brought in commanders from several Allied Command Operations units to receive direction and guidance from U.S. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti. The major focus of the conference was Exercise Trident Juncture 18, which will be NATO’s largest military exercise in recent years taking place in Norway during October and November.

Other topics included the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub, NATO Training and Capacity Building Activity in Iraq and deterrence management in the region. The discussions held brought the different commanders to the same understanding for the various activities to be carried out successfully.

"Over the past two days, I was pleased to engage Allied Command Operations leadership - both Commanders and Command Senior Enlisted Leaders - in frank and candid discussions to gain greater clarity on ACO plans, operations, missions and activities,” said Scaparrotti. "We discussed the relevance of our initiatives, opportunities and challenges in relation to today’s current environment.”

The conference concluded with an All Hands Call with General Scaparrotti presenting the Military Member of the Year awards to four recipients.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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