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Partnership through connection

AMMAN, Jordan – With the first partnership taking place in 1995 under the Mediterranean Dialogue, Jordan and NATO have established themselves together as a strategic partnership. The partnership was increased during the 2014 NATO Wales Summit, where Jordan was identified as one of five countries eligible for enhanced opportunity partnerships. In doing so, Jordan’s relationship with NATO has increased and intensified.

One of these enhanced opportunities involved more hands-on training with NATO nations. From April 10 to 14, two mobile training teams from Allied Joint Force Command Naples are conducting training with troops from Jordan. The two courses consist of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) and noncommissioned officer training.

The CIMIC course focused on the coordination and relationships between civilian and military assets during a crisis. The students were shown how to utilize non-government organizations and what NGOs can offer. Along with the JFC Naples team, two United Nation representatives explained how their organization would play its role during a crisis.

"This workshop adds new information and a new knowledge for our experience in the civilian-military coordination,” said a Jordanian Major participating in the course. "How to actually solve for a crisis that’s maybe in our area or region. We have new information on how to deal with these issues, especially in a civilian-military coordination.”
During the NCO training, the focus was on the aspects of the NCO’s role in the military. Some of the many topics covered included effective communication practices, cultural diversity and situational leadership. Senior level NCOs from JFC Naples were able to share their widespread knowledge with the junior NCOs at the course.

"The NCO Academy is the center of gravity for all the NCOs in the Jordanian Armed Forces,” said Command Sergeant Major Muhammad Al-Smadi, commander of Jordanian Armed Forces NCO Academy. "It is the school which is responsible for leadership training for the NCOs.”
According to MTT organizers, these events remain an effective tool for NATO partnerships, and it helps to bridge the gap between different cultures and techniques. While sending members of JFC Naples to Jordan is fairly new, instructors hope the knowledge shared by all parties will be long lasting.

"If you can keep the communication flow clear, it will help your leadership and your soldiers,” said Canadian Master Warrant Officer Brian Northmore, JFC Naples intelligence specialist.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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