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Naples-led Mobile Training Team sets the standard in Sarajevo

Italian Army Major Alessandro Eterno,  Staff Officer Media Operations,  Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander David Smith,  J9 Military Partnership Branch,  and Royal Air Force Wing Commander Al Green,  Information Operations Section Head,  field a question from an attendee during a Mobile Training Team event in Sarajevo on July 26. Courtesy Photo.   

SARAJEVO, Bosnia & Herzegovina – An Allied Joint Force Command Naples Mobile Training Team conducted a public affairs and strategic communication brief to Senior Armed Forces BiH personnel on July 26 in Sarajevo. 

The JFC Naples team, made up of members from public affairs, J3 and J9, led both the briefs and subsequent workshop training to members of the AFBiH, who’s audience ranged from senior staff officers to troops at the junior level. Also in attendance were the Minister of Defence and Chief of Defence of BiH.

The aim of the MTT was to demonstrate how NATO conducts its public affairs capabilities and delivers its command messaging.

The AFBiH were also briefed on how courses and training can be delivered by NATO through the Partnership process, including additional MTT’s and courses available within the Partnership Cooperation Menu.

Both the Minister of Defence and Chief of Defence recognised the importance of enhancing their public affairs capability and the need to promote the AFBiH within the public domain.

"NATO, including JFC Naples, surely has a lot to offer in terms of your experience and lessons learned that we look forward to receiving, in order to strengthen and improve our capacities, and better respond to contemporary challenges of the current communications environment,” said Marina Pendes , BiH Minister of Defence.
BiH is a partner nation from the Partnership for Peace Framework. It currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives including various courses at NATO Centres of Excellences, NATO School Oberammergau, NATO Partnership Training and Education Centres and other Key Leader Engagements.   This event was in accordance with the Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and BiH to achieve its set Partnership Goals, of which Public Affairs and STRATCOM are key Objectives and is an example of each other’s commitment to creating stability and security in the region.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY