Personnel from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a mobile training event in Mauritania on civil-military cooperation, Jan. 22 to 26, 2018. (Courtesy photo)
NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania –Personnel from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a mobile training event in Mauritania on civil-military cooperation, Jan. 22 to 26, 2018.
According to event organizers, the aim of the course was to provide the training audience with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions and doctrines related to NATO’s provisions on civil–military cooperation and its relevance in their daily duties and activities at the tactical level. This required some additional background information on the operational and strategic levels in order to understand the intricacies of tactical level procedures. Furthermore, the training included an initial overview on NATO mechanism and dynamics to ensure participants had a better understanding of NATO.
To meet the training objectives, several briefings were provided. During the second day of the course, a presentation was provided by the country representative from the UN Refugee Agency, Tatiana Saade. She gave students an opportunity to interact with an international organization that undertakes humanitarian actions in-country and is the cluster lead agencies in refugees matter.
About 37 officers from Mauritania’s Armed Forces, National Guard, Gendarmerie National, Peace Keeping Battalion, police departments, Direction of the Health and the Direction of Public Affairs attended the event. The event was the first JFC Naples activity in the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue for 2018. During the event, Col. Ould Hammadi, the NATO-Mauritania Point of Contact, addressed the group to express his gratitude to NATO and the JFC Naples MTT team for such committed assistance. At the conclusion of the event, there was a certificate ceremony that was also attended by the French Military Attaché in Mauritania.
Organizers said this JFC Naples MTT activity directly supported Mauritania and NATO’s shared military partnership areas of cooperation found in Mauritania’s Individual Partnership Cooperation Plan. More broadly, it has also supported wider NATO aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability between NATO and Mauritania.
Story by JFC Naples J9