Meteorologists from Allied Joint Force Command Naples hosted a delegation from the Naples, Italy-based U.S. Navy 6th Fleet Meteorological and Oceanographic branch, or METOC, March 23, 2018.
NAPLES, Italy -- Meteorologists from Allied Joint Force Command Naples hosted a delegation from the Naples, Italy-based U.S. Navy 6th Fleet Meteorological and Oceanographic branch, or METOC, March 23, 2018.
Event organizers said the visit was held to promote further cooperation and collaboration between the two communities.
U.S. Navy Commander Corey Cherrett, head of the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa / U.S. 6th Fleet METOC section, along with Bill Elenbass, a liaison officer from the U.S. Navy’s Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, were in attendance. Seminar attendees were welcomed by British Royal Air Force Wing Commander James Lafferty, assistant deputy director of the Joint Operations Center at JFC Naples.
According to METOC personnel at JFC Naples, while their team works closely with the U.S. Air Force’s 14th Weather Squadron when preparing climatology assessments, particularly important during the planning process, there remains an opportunity for closer work with their counterparts in the U.S. Navy.
Attendees were given a tour of the JOC during the visit and Italian Air Force Lt. Col. Luigi Verzelletti and other METOC members provided a presentation. The meeting focused on showcasing how the METOC community at JFC Naples is organized within the NATO command structure and how the section supports the commander of JFC Naples, NATO exercises and current operations.
The JOC METOC team at JFC Naples produces daily weather forecasts for the command team focusing on current exercises and current operations such as Operation Sea Guardian and the Kosovo Force, and the team focuses on the weather’s impact in the land, air, and maritime operational environments.
Story by JFC Naples METOC section