AMMAN, Jordan -A Mobile Training Team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples J7 and J9 recently re-validated a Jordanian Armed Forces Core Planning Team a year after the team was originally set up.
The team had been established, trained and validated during the planning process for the JFC Naples Regional Exercise 2017 as part of achieving a goal from the Jordanian Defence Capacity Building Package. Engaging in the entire planning cycle meant the team was fully familiar with the documents and practice of NATO Exercise Planning and able to work autonomously with other elements of the Jordan Armed Forces.
However, NATO recognized that the team would require annual renewal to ensure all procedures were kept up to date. This was achieved by recently sending a JFC Naples Mobile Training Team to Jordan.
"The original team had undergone the changes you would expect in any military unit: new deployments, promotions, and so on,” according to Lieutenant Colonel Le Cerf of JFC Naples J7 and an NATO School Oberammergau course facilitator. "So we decided this time to also include a train-the-trainer course to give the team a capacity to regenerate itself in time for the next appointment in 2019. It went very well. These are some very serious guys”.
Le Cerf also pointed out that JAF has recognised the need to ensure the personnel are assigned long term.
According to Major Carlos Palmero, the J9 officer responsible for oversight of the annual REGEX, "We have reported to NATO that we recognise that this CPT can help the exercise planning process in JAF and who knows, could maybe contribute as a team to a future REGEX.”
Story by JFC Naples Military Partnership Branch