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JFC Naples Team trains Moldovan Armed Forces Specialists in Crisis Response Planning

Members of the Moldovan Armed Forces participate in a Crisis Response Planning training led by Allied Joint Force Command Naples J5 on July 17 to 22 in Chisinau. Courtesy Photo. 

CHISINAU, Moldova – An Allied Joint Force Command Naples Mobile Training Team informed Crisis Response specialists of the Moldovan Armed Forces about NATO Crisis Response Planning from June 17 to 22 in Chisinau.

Three JFC Naples J5 planners trained 25 Moldovan Army, Air Force, Police and Carabinieri Officers on the operational Crisis Response Process according to the NATO Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive.

The training was conducted in the Moldovan Armed Forces Training Centre in Chisinau. The aim of the training was to introduce the students to the Crisis Response Planning Methodology through lectures, practical examples and active participation in the processes, relying on NATO experience and scenario studies.

The JFC Naples training culminated with bringing the Moldovan trainees in a situation where they acted as members of a Joint Operational Planning Group during the development of a crisis.

One Moldovan trainee said after having successfully accomplished this demanding highlight of the training that having had the chance of being part of a NATO Joint Operational Planning Group in an exercise will be an unforgettable experience. They appreciated this challenging training and personal interaction with the NATO trainers.

The JFC Naples MTT is one important part of NATO’s partnership plan with Moldova. This activity contributed to an increase in mutual trust and further enhanced interoperability between NATO and Moldovan Armed Forces. Moldova is a troop contributing nation to KFOR mission.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
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80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY