Story by JFC Naples J9
NAPLES, Italy – A Joint Mobile Training Team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted noncommissioned officer leadership training in Cahul City, Moldova from June 4 to 8.
Cahul City, located in the southern region of the country, seven kilometers from the Romanian border, is the home for a Moldovan military training school.
The JFC team, made up of members throughout the headquarters, led the training which was based on concepts from both the two-week NATO certified "Intermediate Leadership in a Multi-National Environment” course taught at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany and the Swiss Armed Forces College in Lucerne. The training took place inside a former Soviet Union barracks with 15 NCOs.
Not only is a great deal of information shared in a classroom setting, the training is unique as focuses on hands-on teaching, stimulating student participation. Throughout the week, instructors stated the Moldovan students demonstrated a willingness to openly engage with each other and with the instructors; they formulated a wide range of options and presented well-structured and suitably detailed questions. The two-way interaction allowed both the students and instructors to leave the experience as a better NCO then when they first arrived. All expressed a willingness to participate in further advanced training in the subjects taught.
After completion of the training, the students were presented with their training completion certificates. The presence of the Moldovan Academy Commander at the Graduation ceremony reflects how the Moldovan Armed Forces are investing in the development of their NCO corps.
"It was a pleasure to get to know and share experiences with this group of true professional soldiers,” said Italian Army Chief Warrant Officer Guglielmo Sbanto, staff assistant to Chief of Staff.
Moldova is a partner nation from the Partnership for Peace Framework. It currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives including various courses at NATO Centres of Excellences, NATO School Oberammergau, NATO Partnership Training and Education Centres, the NATO Defense College, Senior Executive NATO courses and other Key Leader Engagements. This partnership event was in accordance with the Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Moldova and is an example of each other’s commitment to creating stronger ties and improving global security.