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JFC Naples team conducts civil-military cooperation training in UAE

A team of civilian-military cooperation experts from the partnership branch at Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a Mobile Training Team event in Abu Dhabi,  United Arab Emirates,  March 4 to 9,  2018.

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – A team of civilian-military cooperation experts from the partnership branch at Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a Mobile Training Team event in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 4 to 9, 2018.

The MTT was conducted at the Joint Command and Staff College in Abu Dhabi, one of the leading colleges of the UAE Armed Forces. Approximately 40 officers from the UAE Defence Forces, including representatives from the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, attended the event.

Event organizers said the aim of the course was to provide UAE participants with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions, and policies related to NATO’s provisions on civil-military cooperation, or CIMIC, and its relevance in daily duties and activities. The training also included an overview of NATO to include the Alliance’s missions and objectives.

The first NATO mobile training teams went to the UAE in 2016. Since that time, the NATO military partnership with UAE has seen steadfast growth, according to the partnership branch at JFC Naples.

During the certification ceremony, Staff Brigadier Hamdan Ahmad Al Zeyoudi, director of joint operations, addressed the training audience to express his gratitude to NATO and the JFC Naples MTT for its committed assistance to the UAE over the years.

UAE has been an active NATO partner country and a member of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Framework since 2005. The UAE has also supported wider NATO aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.

Story by JFC Naples J9

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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