NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania - Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a Joint Mobile Training Team (JMTT) to Islamic Republic of Mauritania from December 10 - 14, 2018. Led by Croatian Army Sergeant Major Zdenko Karasek, the JFCNP team provided NCO development and leadership training to 25 NCOs from the Mauritanian Armed Forces.
This was Naples second JMTT mission to Mauritania in support of NATO’s Mediterranean Dialog program, which directly supports one of Joint Force Commands key tasks of engaging with partners. Together with the JFCNP team, members of the Armed Force of Mauritania discussed such topics as Leadership, Military briefings, NATO structure and history, ethics and effective communications, counseling, stress management, cultural diversity, sexual harassment and equal opportunity. The JMTT is a based on the NATO-School and SWISS-NCO-School leadership course.
The team members included DEU-A Master Sergeant Uwe Rentmeister, CAN-A Master Warrant Officer Brian Northmore, FRA-A Sergeant Major Jerome Aragon and US Navy Personnel Specialist First Class Vasile C. Mesaros. Their collective experience from five different countries enriched the discussion on the role of the NCO in a multinational environment.
Students were very open to the ethics and sexual harassment lessons. Feedback from students included "…now they know what happens in other countries when it comes to these topics. They will ensure there soldiers attend our training as they can "harvest” the best information out of every brief”.
Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office