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JFC Naples Mobile Training Team conducts training in Algeria

A member of JFC Naples trains Algerian Armed Forces during the Mobile Training Team. | Photo courtesy of JFC Naples J9 division

ALGIERS, Algeria – A JFC Naples Team, led by J5 Division and supported by a NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub representative, engaged with the Algerian Armed Forces to present a Comprehension Operations Planning Process Mobile Training Team (MTT) at the National Institute of Forensics and Criminology from 5 to 11 May 2018.

The JFC Naples team was composed of four J5 planners and a subject matter expert for Civil and Military Cooperation from the NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub and provided detailed instruction to 36 Algerian (Army, Air Force, Navy, Police, Gendarmerie) officers. The course covered the overall operational crisis response planning process as structured in the NATO Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive (COPD), simulating to be integral members of a Joint Operational Planning Group (JOPG) during the development of a crisis. The goal of the course was to introduce the students to the crisis response planning methodology through lectures, practical examples and active participation to the processes, relying on NATO experience and scenario studies.

During the last day of the course, three briefings were presented by the Disaster Relief and Victim Identification Unit, an active cell within the Algerian Gendarmerie, to highlight the methods used by the Algerian Armed Forces to cope with disaster relief in both prevention and reaction phase of a disaster (natural or man-made). This forum stimulated discussions related to the benefits of a coherent plan in preparation developed utilizing the crisis response method that will cope with the challenges that each crisis presents.

Algeria is a partner nation from the Mediterranean Dialogue Framework. It currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives including various courses at NATO Centres of Excellences, NATO School Oberammergau, NATO Partnership Training and Education Centres, the NATO Defense College, Senior Executive NATO courses and other Key Leader Engagements. This Comprehension Operations Planning Process Mobile Training Team is a practical expression of NATO’s engagement through partnerships, an activity that highly contributes to the mutual trust and interoperability with NATO.

Story by JFC Naples J9

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