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JFC Naples Mobile Training Team conducts Civil-Emergency Planning training in Algeria.

Subject Matter Experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples Civil Military Cooperation conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil Emergency Planning in Algiers,  from September 2 to 5. Courtesy Photo. 

ALGIERS, AlgeriaSubject Matter Experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples Civil Military Cooperation conducted a Mobile Training event on Civil Emergency Planning in Algiers, from September 2 to 5.

Thirty-six officers from the Algerian People’s National Army (Land, Navy, Air and Gendarmerie) and representatives from the Ministry of Interior attended the training. The event was hosted at the Armed Force’s Military Resort "Beni Messous” in Algiers, and continued to build on the training outcomes and lessons identified since 2015, when Algeria welcomed the first NATO Mobile Training Team.

The aim of the course was to enhance participants’ understanding of NATO’s role in Civil Emergency Planning and Disaster Relief. The training provided the opportunity for a wide range of actors to share their perspectives on the subject, contributing to the creation of a common CEP framework based on inter-operability and effectiveness of civil and military resources, assets and capabilities.

To meet the training objectives, several activities and case studies tailored to key hazards and vulnerabilities in the context of Algeria were discussed over a four-day period.

General Hadj Sadok, head of the office for Mobilisation and Majors’ Risks, opened the course by demonstrating Algeria dedication in the area of disaster response and risk management.

A Prefect and Head of Mission for Disaster Relief representative from the Ministry of Interior provided a detailed briefing of the Algerian risk management system. Other Algerian representative informed the audience on the roles and mission of the Civil Defence, the Armed Forces and the specific Algerian Multipurpose Combat Engineer Battalion. These lectures contribute to the understanding of the disaster relief system and triggered the exchanges between students and the MTT members. These Algerian contributions were a perfect complement to the NATO lecture, facilitating the comprehension of the CEP.

As a team member explained, "It was really a pleasure to share our experience with so many highly motivated students and national representative, but also a challenge for us to provide the best lecture and the most realistic scenario to conclude this MTT.”

This JFC Naples MTT activity directly supported Algerian/NATO shared military partnership areas of cooperation under the Mediterranean Dialogue. More broadly, it also strengthened NATO’s dialogue and interface with key CEP stakeholders across a broad range of sectors, enabling the Alliance to maintain a vast civil network that goes beyond NATO’s more traditional interlocutors in Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence.

Story by JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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