A Joint Mobile Training Team from JFC Naples conducted a training mission with Tunisian troops at El Aouina Air Base, Dec. 18 to 22, 2017.
TUNIS, Tunisia – The Allied Joint Force Command Naples Joint Mobile Training Team (JMTT) conducted a training mission with Tunisian troops at El Aouina Air Base, Dec. 18 to 22, 2017.
A five-person multi-national team comprised of senior noncommissioned officers coming from multiple divisions within JFC Naples trained 20 Tunisian noncommissioned officers in leadership, counseling, communication, ethics and NATO orientation. Event organizers said the Tunisian troops, which came from the Army, Navy and Air Force, were curious and interactive as it was the first contact with multi-national servicemembers for many of them.
The course was comprised of presentations, syndicate work and discussions, all of which aimed to spread the idea of unified multi-national perspectives of NATO and partner nations.
According to the instructors, students at the course expressed a desire to enrich their knowledge and be more involved in international courses. They also showed interest in participating in advanced courses abroad and to share experiences and abilities.
One of the recurring questions during the class was about the role of Tunisia and the participation in international partnerships. The conclusion of the event was highlighted with an official certificate ceremony, and ceremony officials said the event showcased how far the team building had come since the first day. Organizers cite the JMTT motto of "We train our own” as an example of what was achieved during the course.
While the main intent of the training team was to share their expertise with the Tunisian troops, the learning process was not one-sided. The JFC Naples team members learned about Tunisian views, history and culture. Additionally, the team was given a trip to the National Museum of Bardo, Tunis, where in 2015, 19 people were killed in a terrorist attack.
Tunisia is an active NATO partner country, and has been a member of the Mediterranean Dialogue Framework since 1994. Tunisia currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives including multiple NATO exercises, the NATO Defense College, senior executive NATO courses and other key leader engagements. According to NATO officials, the JFC Naples MTT is a vital part of partnership between NATO and Tunisia as it ensures the military partnership is meeting the needs of the Tunisian Armed Forces and generates partnering activity that is in-line with NATO’s Military Committee’s Direction and Guidance. It also supports NATO’s broader aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.
Story by JFC Naples J9