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JFC Naples JMTT conducts mission to Tunisia

Allied Joint Force Command Naples Joint Mobile Training Team poses for a group photo with Tunisian non-commissioned officers in El Aouina Air Base is Tunis. Courtesy Photo. 

TUNIS, Tunisia – An Allied Joint Force Command Naples Joint Mobile Training Team conducted a mission with Tunisian non-commissioned officers at El Aouina Air Base in Tunis from Sept.  17 to 21.

A five-person multi-national Senior NCO team from Slovenia, France, Italy and the United States and various divisions within JFC Naples and two 2nd NATO Signal Battalion members , trained 18 Tunisian women and men in all aspects of leadership, counseling, communication, ethics and NATO orientation over a five-day period.  The Tunisian NCOs from all branches were eager to learn and very cooperative. For most of them, it was their first interaction with NCOs from a multi-national environment.

The training was comprised of presentations, syndicate work and discussions which helped to spread the idea of unified multi-national perspectives of NATO and partner nations.  The entire group of students was very motivated in taking part on this training. One of the recurring questions during the class was about the role of Tunisia and the participation in international partnerships.  The students indicated they wanted more involvement in international courses and advanced NCO NATO courses in the future. 

The conclusion of the event was highlighted with the presentation of official certificate to the students and presentation of appreciation to the host nation which showcased how far the team building had come since the first day.  This was a prime example of the JMTT team fulfilling the motto "We train our own”.

While the main intent of the JMTT was to share expertise with the Tunisian NCOs, the learning process was not one-sided.  The JFC Naples team members learned so much about the Tunisian armed forces, their history and culture.  Additionally, the team was provided the opportunity to visit the National Museum of Bardo, Tunis, where in 2015, 19 people were killed in a terrorist attack.

Tunisia is an active NATO partner country and has been a member of the Mediterranean Dialogue since 1994. Tunisia currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives to include NATO exercises.  The JFC Naples JMTT is a vital part of partnership between NATO and Tunisia. As it ensures the military partnership is meeting the needs of the Tunisian Armed Forces’ NCOs and generates partnering activity that is in-line with NATO’s Military Committee’s Direction and Guidance.  More importantly, it also supports NATO’s broader aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.

Story by JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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