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JFC Naples hosts military engineer conference

 In preparation for the upcoming NATO Response Force 19 stand-by period,  French Army Brigadier General Serge Martigny,  the assistant chief of staff for joint engineering at JFC Naples,  hosted the NRF Military Engineering conference at JFC Naples,  April 18 to 19,  2018.  

NAPLES, Italy -- In preparation for the upcoming NATO Response Force 19 stand-by period, French Army Brigadier General Serge Martigny, the assistant chief of staff for joint engineering at Allied Joint Force Command Naples, hosted the NRF Military Engineering conference at JFC Naples, April 18 to 19, 2018. 

Conference attendees represented engineers from SHAPE, JFC Brunssum, HQ Allied Land Command Izmir, 1st German/Netherlands Corps Muenster, HQ Allied Maritime Command Northfolk, HQ Italian Maritime High Readiness Forces Taranto, HQ Multinational Division Southeast and JFC Naples. 

The objective of the conference was to enhance the current Joint Military Engineer Network and discuss the NRF19 aspects related to military engineering roles, responsibilities, capacities and capabilities during the stand-by period. 

Martigny said he appreciated the opportunity to host Multinational Division Southeast assistant chief of staff for engineering, Romanian Lieutenant Colonel Ioan Tiberiu Cojocaru, and to identify further potential collaboration. Experiences, observations, and lessons identified from past exercises were collectively shared during the conference and captured in preparation for the operations planning during Trident Juncture 18 and the NRF19 stand-by period. 

In addition to NRF topics, the audience received a brief on the newly developed NATO Strategic Direction South Hub and a brief by SHAPE engineers on potential JFC Brunssum/JFC Naples joint engineer structures in the next NATO Command Structure-Adaptation. In accordance with Allied Command Operations Directive, this conference will be held by each JFC Joint Engineer Division for their NRF stand-by preparation. 

Story by JFC Naples JENG

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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