NAPLES, Italy - Italian Army Colonel Giancarlo Turco, Allied Joint Force Command Naples Base Support Group commander, was invited by Professor Antonello Garzoni, PhD, coordinator of Program for Management Development, to give a lecture at the Business School of Management of Milan’s University L. Bocconi.
On June 13th, Turco shared his professional experience with students attending the Management Development Program course. Students were in the 35 to 45 age range, all of them managers at some of the most prominent companies operating in Italy. The course is aimed at helping the participants move away from a functional focus to adopt a broader strategic approach in doing their business. This is achieved by developing the entire spectrum of skills required to effectively and efficiently manage economic and human resources.
The Colonel was one of the real-world professionals the course included in its academic program. His lecture focused on his experience as military manager. While the military environment cannot be said to fully mirror corporate dynamics, an insight in the role and functions of a military base commander can be very useful – and stimulating -- for the managers of tomorrow.
After providing an overview on the role of NATO and of JFC Naples, Turco shared his experience in military decision-making of which he was able to build up while serving at different International Organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union and NATO. He explained how he applied their operating patterns to a multinational and multicultural environment in his capacity as a commander.
During the lecture, Professor Garzoni asked Colonel Turco to elaborate on the so-called centre of gravity and its importance for business planning processes. The students asked questions of a strategic, operational and tactical nature and showed great interest in personnel relations and management dynamics in such a complex international environment as a NATO Headquarters.
(Professor PhD Antonello Garzoni is an Affiliate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at SDA Bocconi School of Management).
Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office