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JFC Naples conducts an Expert Staff Meeting in Qatar

Assistant Chief of Staff J9,  Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss,  and the Chief of the General Staff,  Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanem ,  exchange gifts on Dec. 5 in Doha. Courtesy Photo. 

DOHA, Qatar - A NATO delegation, led by Allied Joint Force Command Naples, traveled to Doha, Qatar on Dec. 5 to conduct a NATO Expert Staff Meeting.

 Assistant Chief of Staff J9, Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss, led the meeting where it’s aim was to enhance NATO's understanding of Qatar’s military interests and partnership goals, while showcasing the various partnership opportunities available.  The NATO team consisted of representatives from various NATO headquarters, including JFC Naples Military Partnership Branch, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Partnership Division and Maritime Command Military Partnership Division.  The team was received at the Qatari Armed Forces General Headquarters by Brigadier General Fahad Hamad Al Sulaiti, Head of Military Cooperation Authority, and other personnel from the Qatari Armed Forces. 

Brigadier General Fahad Hamad Al Sulaiti opened the meeting by welcoming the NATO team before beginning the opportunity to receive an update on NATO programs.  Topics of discussion included a review of NATO partnership processes, the Operational Capability Concept Program, Operation Sea Guardian and 2018 & 2019 NATO-Qatar military partnership activities.  Discussions were open and frank as all present contributed to the meeting’s success.  During the meeting, the NATO delegation was also received by Chief of Staff of the Qatari Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanem and discussed various aspects of NATO-Qatar military cooperation. 

Qatar is an active NATO partner country and a member of the ICI Framework. It currently participates in numerous NATO initiatives including various courses at NATO Centres of Excellences, NATO School Oberammergau, the NATO Defense College, and other Key Leader Engagements.  The Expert Staff Meeting is a vital part of the annual military cooperation between NATO and Qatar, as it ensures the military partnership is meeting the needs of the Qatari Armed Forces and generates partnering activity that is in-line with NATO’s Military Committee’s Direction and Guidance.  More broadly it also supports NATO’s broader aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.

Story by JFC Naples Military Partnership Branch

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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