REDZIKOWO, Poland - While visiting the Ballistic Missile Defence Site Redzikowo, Poland, U.S. Navy Admiral James Foggo met with planners, construction personnel, contractors and military representatives involved in the complex project on June 25.
The construction site, close the northern Polish town of Slupska, started in mid 2016. Once concluded, it will be an essential part of a layered defence against ballistic missiles of all ranges to protect the United States, its deployed forces and NATO Allies.
The entire defence system integrates ashore sites such as the 2015 activated Deveselu installation in Romania, mobile components on ships, with the Polish Redzikowo base following suite.
During his inspection, the construction's key players briefed Foggo on the current status and the way ahead.
"We are making progress", Foggo said. "Eventually, by 2020, this place will be turned over to the U.S. Naval Forces and we will bring it to life."
The combined efforts to establish a comprehensive missile defence reflects the changing security environment worldwide.
When Foggo met with the Polish President Andrzej Duda a day prior his site inspection, the President underlined the installation's importance saying, "We want this thing done."
Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office