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Expanding Civil-Military Cooperation through training

(L to R) Walter Fullemann,  ICRC Head of Delegation to the EU,  NATO and the Kingdom of Belgium in Brussels,  German Army Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss,  the assistant chief of staff for civil-military interaction and cooperation and military partnership at JFC Naples,  Roland Schilling,  UNHCR Deputy Regional Representative for Southern Europe,  and Martin Krottmayer,  IFRC global focal point on civil-military and civil protection relations,  take questions from the audience during a training event at JFC Naples on Sept. 5. (Photo by German Air Force Master Sergeant Dennis Tappe)

NAPLES, Italy – In a day dedicated to bridging the gap in comprehensive approach between military and humanitarian actors, Allied Joint Force Command Naples Civil-Military Cooperation branch hosted a training event on the International Humanitarian Community at JFC Naples on Sept. 5.

The event, hosted by German Army Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss, the assistant chief of staff for civil-military interaction and cooperation and military partnership at JFC Naples, connected JFC Naples with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHRC ), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

"We will have a more detailed understanding of key concepts related to international humanitarian law, human rights law and protection of civilians,” said Kloss. "This will help us contribute more professionally in the execution of Trident Juncture 18.”

With the main focus of the headquarters being Exercise Trident Juncture, the three organisations focused on their overall mission and how they will operate in the event of a humanitarian crisis. The dialogue and interaction between humanitarian and military actors is always tailored to the specific context of the crisis, and is determined by the environment and the character of missions and mandates.

"Today, it may be a natural disaster; tomorrow, it can be a conflict situation,” said Martin Krottmayer, IFRC global focal point on civil-military and civil protection relations. "And one impacts the other and this is something that in a civil-military dialogue, we are trying to discuss.” 

Exercise Trident Juncture 18 will consist of two parts, a live exercise and a command post exercise, the later focusing on role-playing where JFC Naples connection to the humanitarian network will come into play while members focus on utilizing the comprehensive approach.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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