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Creating a perceptible safe and secure environment in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Kosovo – A safe and secure environment is the goal between the combined efforts of the Kosovo Forces and the institutions in Kosovo.

And it is developing noticeably. While walking downtown at night, U.S. Navy Admiral James Foggo, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, met the locals in a pedestrian-filled area of Pristina where he honored the servicemen and civilians of KFOR. Those members were recently commemorated at a memorial in the middle of the prospering city center.

During his stay in Kosovo, Foggo received several briefs on the current status of the region, and met additionally with representatives from Kosovo’s institutions such as Naim Rexha, the director of the Kosovo police, and Zahir Tanin, the Ambassador of United Nations’ mission to Kosovo.

"They had great discussions to maintain the safe and secure environment and how to continue the collaboration between the U.N., NATO and the Kosovo authorities,” said Foggo.
Later, while paying a visit to Kosovo Forces’ Training and Doctrine Command, the Admiral received updates by the Kosovo Forces’ commander, Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama, and the TRADOC’s director, Brigadier General Irfete Spahiu, on the leadership training for their future officer corps. 

"I was very impressed with the program. They have both training and doctrine for those officers and personnel of Kosovo Forces,” Foggo concluded. 

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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