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African-focused study day hosted by Hub

NAPLES, Italy – Following the Secretary General’s announcement of full capability, the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub hosted its first study day focusing on the challenges and opportunities of population growth and demographic change in Africa on July 24 in Naples.

The Hub, now operating with more than 70 members from 20 NATO nations, is focusing on connecting a variety of organisations to include the European Union, African Union and other organisations such as Institute of Migration, the World Food Program and the United Nations High Commission on Refugees to help optimize resources and maximize effectiveness in the region.

"The international community, and by that I mean governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and others with specialist knowledge such as think tanks and academia, has a responsibility to try and improve life for the millions of people living in difficult conditions in North Africa, the Sahel and parts of the Middle East,” said Admiral James Foggo, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

To connect these various audiences, the Hub hosted a study day bringing in members from across the international community; it not only informed Hub staff and those from international organisations, it also contributed to the networking and collaboration process between the Hub and outside organisations.

"I am convinced that, at the end of the day, and with the great and wise contribution from the speakers, the discussion that will sparkle out of their presentation, and listening carefully to the African stakeholders’ voice, we will be in a better position to increase NATO’s overall understanding and identification of opportunities and contribute to the Alliance decision making process,” said Brigadier General Roberto Angius, director of NSDS Hub.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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