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Admirals highlight Trident Juncture in Brussels


BRUSSELS - All Allies, as well as partners Finland and Sweden, will participate in NATO’s largest military exercise in recent years, which will take place in Norway in October and November.

Exercise Trident Juncture 2018 will have an Article 5 collective defence scenario, and will be under the command of Admiral James Foggo, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

At a press briefing in Brussels Monday, Foggo gave Brussels media a first preview of the exercise together with Vice Admiral Ketil Olsen, Military Representative of Norway to the NATO Military Committee.

Trident Juncture 18 will have some 40,000 participants from more than 30 countries.

"The sheer size of the exercise gives Norway as host nation an excellent opportunity to realistically train reception and support of substantial Allied reinforcements,” said Olsen. "And NATO gets to test their plans for the reinforcement of Norway. In sum, this strengthens our common capability to handle a crisis, should it ever come to that.”

Today’s briefing highlighted NATO’s commitment to transparency of its military activities. In line with its obligations as host nation, Norway has already notified the OSCE about Trident Juncture 18 and all OSCE nations will be able to send observers.

NATO also briefed Russia about this exercise during the last meeting of the NATO-Russia Council.

"NATO is a defensive Alliance,” Foggo said.  "We’re not looking for a fight, but we are committed to defense and deterrence. That’s what this exercise is all about:  training to defend, and providing a deterrent effect, ready to respond to any threat from any direction at any time.”

By NATO HQ Public Affairs

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