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Tunisian Armed Forces representatives visit JFC Naples

DEU Army Brigadier General General Reinhard Kloss with the Tunisian Delegation in Lago Patria.    Photo by DEU Air Force Master Sergeant Dennis Tappe

NAPLES, Italy — An Expert Staff Meeting between JFC Naples and Tunisian Armed Forces (TAF) took place on 21 November 2017.

The TAF delegation to this Military Cooperation Expert Staff Meeting was hosted by German Army Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss, JFC Naples Assistant Chief of Staff J9.
TAF was very well represented with highly experienced Military Cooperation officers  prepared to discuss ongoing partnership and military cooperation issues arising out of 2017. Detailed work was also carried out for the 2018 program. According to the delegation leader, despite a slow start to 2017 due to some consensus issues in Brussels, the year proved highly successful both in terms of the number of Partnership events (100), Mobile Training Teams (6) and participation in such events as the JFCNP-led Regional Exercise (REGEX).

Training teams from JFCNP and LANDCOM were singled out for special mention, with gratitude expressed for the hard work the divisions put in to make these events happen. MTTs were described as one of the best ways of reaching the maximum number of students whilst employing economies of scale.

"Tunisia is an extremely active Partner with NATO and there are always many details to discuss with them. Their geopolitical position is critical. These visits offer JFC Naples an opportunity to have frank discussions and better understand their position,” said Brigadier General Kloss. 

Story by JFC Naples Civil Military Cooperation 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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