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The Joint Final Acceptance Inspection takes place at JFC Naples Headquarters

NAPLES, Italy - The Joint Final Acceptance Inspection takes place for JFC Naples Headquarters, October 11-12, 2017.

The Joint Final Acceptance Inspection (JFAI) is the formal procedure whereby NATO-funded assets get inspected by an independent joint team, upon completion of authorized works, to ensure that the project fully reflects military requirements as initially planned.

The JFAI was carried out by an International  team that includes representatives from various NATO offices as such the Office of Resources, NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) , the Italian Ministry of Defence, the Italian General Headquarters and JFC Naples’ Base Support Group.
The team was responsible for examining works which have been done, and to confirm that the completed project meet the Strategic Command’s military requirements. Another goal of the JFAI inspection is to ascertain whether excessive or insufficient construction works may be reason for not meeting the military requirement, in which case the deficiencies identified must be categorized.
The inspection is preparatory for the final handover-takeover of the facilities between NATO and the Host Nation and for posting the NATO inventory accordingly.
Story by JFC Naples Base Support Group
Photo by JFC Naples Public Affairs

Allied Joint Force Command Naples hosted a inspection team. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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