JFC Naples

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Students from G. Mercalli High School visit JFC Naples

NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from the Naples-based G. Mercalli High School toured the facilities of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, May 8, 2017.

The students and teachers, almost 100 in total, were welcomed and briefed by Diana Sodano, community relations officer with JFC Naples, about the structure, mission and goals of the organization as well as an overview of the headquarters. The students received briefs on the Joint Operations Center and the role of NATO international civilian employees by Italian Air Force Lt. Col. Luigi Verzelletti and Anthony Quattrone, civilian human resources head at JFC Naples, respectively. An overview of the communications activities of the 2nd NATO Signal Battalion was also offered by Italian Army Capt. Umberto Cervone.

Italian Army Col. Giancarlo Turco, JFC Naples base commander, offered a round table discussion with the students. Turco was joined by Italian Army Col. Maurizio Parri, JOC Director, Quattrone and Cervone for a question and answer period.

The students also had a chance to visit the base’s amenities, including the community center, gym, library and pool.

Officials with JFC Naples say school visits are part of a community relations campaign to establish cultural and social exchange with the external community and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

Students and teachers from the Naples-based G. Mercalli High School toured the facilities of Allied Joint Force Command Naples,  May 8,  2017. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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