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Students and teachers from the E. Amaldi high school in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Caserta visit JFC Naples

NAPLES, Italy – About 100 students and their teachers from the high school "E. Amaldi” Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Caserta paid a visit to JFC Naples, April 3, 2017.

JFC Naples Chief of Staff, Italian Army Lieutenant General Luciano Portolano, welcomed the group and replied to their questions. Additionally, Dr. Diana Sodano, the headquarter's public relations officer, briefed the students on the headquarter's structure, mission and goals.

As part of the presentation and in order to allow the group a  better understanding of the headquarters’ capabilities, a VTC connection was established with JFC's Joint Operation Center located in the compound's main complex and an overview of the current activities was provided by  Italian Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Luigi Verzelletti.

Following that, Mr. Anthony M. Quattrone, Ph.D., Civilian Human Resources Head, explained the role of the NATO International Civilians, and further on Italian Air Force Warrant Officer Nicola Ciccarelli from the NATO Communication Information Systems Group (NCIS) 2nd NATO Signal Battalion updated the Caserta students about NATO's Satellite Communication Capacities.

The visit concluded with a walk-through JFC Naples' community facilities to show the JFC members' work environment.

Offering an insight into NATO's facilities is part of the campaign aimed at strengthening relations with local and regional institutions.
Story and photo by JFC Naples PAO

Students and teachers from the "E. Amaldi” high school in Santa Maria Capua Vetere,  Caserta paid a visit to JFC Naples

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