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REGEX 17 Final Coordination Conference takes place

Story Allied Joint Force Command Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch.  

NAPLES, Italy – The Allied Joint Force Command Naples J7/J9 team attended the 5th Regional Collective Training Event Planning Workshop for Regional Exercise 17 in Amman, Jordan from July 9 to 13.

REGEX is a NATO supported opportunity for partner countries to plan and conduct an exercise from beginning to end and can be tailored to their specific training requirements. Jordan has taken the lead for REGEX 17 and is the first Mediterranean Dialogue Partner to do so.

The JFC Naples J7/J9 REGEX team mentored this fifth workshop where 42 participants from 18 Partner Countries and 14 officers from the Host Nation took part. Two Montenegro representatives participated in the workshop, which was also observed by a Maritime Command N9 officer.  The workshop focused on the preparation and execution of the Final Coordination Conference in accordance with Bi Sc 75-03, the NATO Collective Training and Exercise Directive.

Jordan Armed Forces Brigadier General Khalid Al-Shra’a, Director of Joint Training Jordan Armed Forces, stressed the importance and value of so many countries from three different continents being able to meet and work together while exchanging information and culture, in order to be able to fight against common threats.

The final REGEX 17 workshop and the Execution Phase will take place in September 2017. This initiative supports NATO objectives building the trust and understanding which promotes better cooperation in the region whilst also increasing interoperability within NATO.

Attendees of the 5th Regional Collective Training Event Planning Workshop pose for a group photo in Amman,  Jordan. Participants planned and conducted a training exercise in order to prepare for Regional Exercise 17. Photos courtesy of Jordan Armed Forces.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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