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Partner Nation Military Representative Seminar takes place at JFC Naples

Story by JFC Naples J9 

NAPLES, Italy – Allied Joint Force Command Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch hosted the annual Supreme Headquarters  Allied Powers Europe Partner Military Representative (PNMR) Seminar at JFC Naples from Oct. 30 to 31.

This two-day event welcomes the PNMRs from NATO partner nations to one of SHAPE’s Headquarters to not only discuss on-going partnership topics, but to hear how JFC Naples operates.  The host location for the seminar rotates annually in an effort to provide the PNMRs an opportunity to see first-hand the various SHAPE HQ’s and to have a better understanding of how NATO operates.

The event opened with the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Portolano, welcoming PNMRs from 22 NATO partner countries to JFC Naples.  He highlighted how NATO has continued to develop partnerships and observed how today partnerships are more important than ever, citing successful partnerships as contributing to improved security for the entire international community.  General Portolano concluded by stating that maintaining strong relationships with NATO partners is an essential part of the JFC Naples mission.  

Following the opening of the seminar, there were several presentations highlighting not only the JFC Naples partnership responsibilities and activity, but also presentations explaining the rest of  the Headquarters’  missions, organization and activities.  These briefs were rounded off by a NATO Strategic Direction South Hub presentation and tour of the Hub itself.

PNMRs serve as the principle military liaison officers between their countries and SHAPE.  Not only are they responsible for coordinating all military cooperation activities with NATO but most play active roles in the continuing expansion of the partnership between their nations and NATO.  They are posted at various locations, such as SHAPE, NATO HQ, and their National Embassies in Brussels or in their home country.

Participants of the Partner Nation Military Representative Seminar pose for a group photo. Courtesy Photo. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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