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NATO troops to deploy to Romania for training exercise

NAPLES, Italy - Forces from a number of NATO countries are preparing to deploy significant numbers of soldiers, vehicles and helicopters to Romania in late May to test the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) concept.

Around 2000 troops and 500 vehicles will make the journey to the CINCU training area, coming from bases in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Norway and Albania. They will join around 2000 Romanian troops who are also taking part.  They will mostly arrive by air, with the heavy equipment coming by sea or rail, followed by road convoys.

The Exercise, called Noble Jump, is a logistical challenge that will test the ability of all the participants to deliver a fighting force to wherever it is needed.  The movements will all be controlled by NATO's Multi-National Division South East HQ, based in Bucharest.

The VJTF is kept on short notice to move and is able to deploy a powerful well trained force within days.  This year, it is being led by the UK's 20 Armoured Brigade.  Overseeing the VJTF’s training at Cincu will be a combination of Joint Force Command Naples, Multi-National division South East and the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps.

Admiral Michelle Howard, Commander of Joint Force Command Naples, which has command of the NATO Response Force in 2017 said "Noble Jump is an important NATO exercise.   It allows us to sustain interoperability as an alliance.  We will deploy or "jump" forces from around the theater to Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.   I appreciate the support of the host nations' authorities and their close cooperation as Noble Jump ensures that our skills, knowledge and experience are kept up to date."

A Media Information Centre will be established in Sibiu, Romania from 28 May -16 June. 
Media Opportunities will be available in Bulgaria on 31 May and Romania on 1 June.  Detailed information regarding accreditation and additional media opportunities will be available by 18 May.  A Media Day is planned for 14 June at Cincu training area in Romania.

Requests for information prior to the establishment of the NMIC should be made to the Public Affairs Office, JFC Naples. Tel +39 081 721 2235 /email jfcnppaogroup@jfcnp.nato.int

Allied Joint Force Command Naples announces that forces from a number of NATO countries are preparing to deploy to Romania in late May to test the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force concept.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY