Admiral James Foggo, Allied Joint Force Command Naples commander, delivers his first All Hands Call brief as commander on Nov. 27 at JFC Naples. Foggo reiterated the importance of the work done at JFC Naples by highlighting partnership missions and activities, the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub and how JFC Naples plays a role in peace and security in the region. (Photo by U.S. Air Force 1st Lieutenant Kylee Ashton)
NAPLES, Italy – Admiral James Foggo is no stranger to NATO and is excited to be back to his NATO roots at Allied Joint Force Command Naples as he brought his thoughts and ideas to his first All Hands Call on Monday.
Foggo relished in the fact that he was able to share his story with his new audience and begin the process of getting to know those under his command. He stated that it is important to take in the human element and get to know people’s stories.
Beginning with his own story, he told members of the audience about his role models. Including his two grandfathers, he spoke about how their experiences in World War One and World War Two changed their perspective on how important partnership was then and how important it is now.
"[My father] he stayed in the service for 32 years because of the pride and professionalism and the band of brothers and sisters that fought alongside him,” said Foggo. "We are a team. We are a band of brothers and sisters.”
Foggo emphasized the collective power of the 29 NATO member nations, as well as NATO connectivity to non-member partner nations. He highlighted how JFC is coordinating contributions of NATO member nations to train Iraqi forces to provide their nation security and stability.
"The more we can do to train [their] trainers, the better off we are,” he said.
Foggo discussed his two recent visits to Kosovo with the JFC staff and stressed the continuing importance of the Kosovo Force mission there.
"We need to maintain peace and stability as the government matures,” he said.
Foggo also underscored the importance of the new NATO Strategic Direction South Hub. Implemented earlier this year, Foggo said the Hub is a center of attention from not only NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller and NATO Parliamentary members, but many other internal and external agencies as well.
NATO leaders and stakeholders have said NATO’s done well in the North, ok in the East but hasn’t had as heavy of a focus on the South. That’s where the importance of the Hub comes into play, Foggo said.
"[We aim to] do stuff with non-government organizations, non-state actors, the United Nations, national leadership, people on the ground and social media,” he said. "We’re gathering information on an unclassified domain to share it.”
Foggo summed up his speech by reiterating his commitment to NATO and to JFC Naples.
"As a commander, I am accountable. I want to be accountable. I will ask the hard questions.”
Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office