Story by Joint Force Command Naples J9
TUNIS, Tunisia – On March 7 to 9, Colonel Vincent Alexandre, Branch Head of J9 Military Partnership Branch, led a Joint Force Command Naples Headquarters delegation to Tunisia.
The MPB conducted an Expert Staff Meeting with Tunisian Armed Forces counterparts and participated in a NATO HQ-led Planning and Review Process (PARP) meeting, which included a 30-minute meeting with the Tunisian Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Mr. Farhat Horchani.
From March 7 to 8, the delegation participated in a two-day PARP Assessment meeting which saw a progress review of all the Partnership Goals established for Tunisia one year ago. This detailed and minute analysis of Tunisia’s progress culminated in a meeting with the Tunisian Minister.
This was followed by a one day Expert Staff Meeting conducted by Colonel Alexandre and attended by the NATO International Staff, Land Command and NATO Special Operation Headquarters and involved an equally detailed analysis of Partnership progress in 2017 and initial planning for Partnership work with the Tunisian Armed Forces in 2018.
The delegation also held a meeting with locally based NATO-country Defence Attaches hosted by the Italian Embassy and which aimed at avoiding duplication between NATO and Allied nations in the assistance offered to the Tunisian Armed Forces.
The Tunisian Delegation was led by Air Commodore Abdelqadar Adouni, Director of the Division of Cooperation and International Relations.