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Meeting in Ethiopia introduces NATO SMLO

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – A meeting was held to introduce the NATO Senior Military Liaison Office and to update the NATO member states ambassador and defence attaches in Ethiopia on recent developments at the NATO Villa, Sept. 20, 2017.
The event was co-hosted by H.E. Andreas Gaarder, the Norwegian Ambassador, and NATO senior military liaison officer, Turkish Navy Captain Yusuf Akyuz.

Gaarder, as the formal NATO contact point ambassador to the African Union, provided information about the NATO-AU relationship, cooperation and recent developments, including the ongoing technical agreement between NATO and the AU as well as the process of a host nation agreement for NATO with Ethiopia.

Akyuz briefed attendees on the framework of the mission, NATO support to the AU and activities on capacity building as well as the inherent challenges. Akyuz also provided a brief on the NATO Strategic Direction South Hub to increase awareness of the newly established center.

Story by Turkish Navy Captain Yusuf Akyuz

A meeting was held to introduce the NATO Senior Military Liaison Office and to update the NATO member states ambassador and defence attaches in Ethiopia on recent developments at the NATO Villa,  Sept. 20,  2017. 

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