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Leaders encourage women to #BeBoldForChange

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

NAPLES, Italy – Allied Joint Force Command Naples hosted an International Women’s Day event celebrating the economic, cultural and political achievements of women on Wednesday, March 8.

The event, hosted by Canadian Air Force Lieutenant-General Alain Parent, showcased the impact of women in NATO, both military and civilian. Featuring nine key speakers, U.S. Navy Admiral Michelle Howard, Commander of JFC Naples, began with the opening comments and finished with the key note speaker, Canadian Ambassador Kerry Buck, Permanent Representative North Atlantic Council.

"Women have been bold for centuries,” said Admiral Howard. "But there are still opportunities where our talents can be applied. They should be applied to the benefit of our nations, our communities or the alliance without regard for our gender."

Concluding with a question and answer panel, panel members included Admiral Howard, Ambassador Buck, U.S. Army Brigadier General Patricia Anslow, Chief of Staff Kosovo Forces, Canadian Navy Commodore Marta Mulkins, Commander Naval Reserve, and U.S. Consul General Mary Ellen Countryman, U.S. Consul General Naples.

"Leading can be done from the top, [it] can be done from the side or bottom,” said Ambassador Buck. "It’s about seeing a gap to make whatever it is work better and then just doing the work to fill it.”

 To learn more about the guest speakers, clink the link to their biographies below.

Admiral Michelle Howard

Ambassador Kerry Buck

Brigadier General Patricia Anslow

Commodore Marta Mulkins

Consul General Mary Ellen Countryman


For more photos click here.

Women of JFC Naples pose for a group photo. Photo by DEU Master Sgt. Dennis Tappe. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY