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JFCNP J-ENG Division visits the 22nd ITA AF Radar Squadron

Story by JFCNP J-ENG

NAPLES, Italy – About 20 representatives from the Joint Force Command Naples Joint Engineering Division, led by Brigadier General Serge Martigny, paid a visit to the 22nd Radar Squadron of the Italian Air Force located in Licola on April 20, 2017.

ITA AF Lieutenant Colonel Gianluca Capasso welcomed the group and gave a briefing on the 22nd Radar Squadron’s activities and its role in the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (IA&MDS).

The visit was part of the J-ENG Proficiency Training Program 2017 with the aim of developing awareness of Military Engineering support to Air Operations and enabling the delegation to see first-hand how IA&MDS works.

The visit concluded with a walk-through of the 22nd Squadron Radar’s infrastructure, focusing on the Operational Bunker Room, and ended with a hosted lunch at the local mess.

Visiting the neighboring bases is part of the campaign aimed at strengthening relations with local and regional institutions.

Members from Joint Force Command Naples Joint Engineering pose for a group photo with the 22nd Italian Air Force Radar Squadron. Courtesy Photo.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
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