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JFC Naples trains for Noble Jump 2017

BUCHAREST, Romania - JFC Naples J4 conducted LOGFAS Movements and Transportation (M&T) training to improve and extend the knowledge of the Logistics Functional Area Service system for all logistics personnel of MND-SE who will participate in Exercise Noble Jump 17, March 17, 2017.  LOGFAS enables logistics planners at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels to effectively plan for the movement and sustainment of personnel and equipment in both operations and training.
The training was successfully completed with the coordination and support of JFC NP and MND-SE logistic staffs.
The JFC Naples instructors, Lieutenant Colonel Alessandro Cecere and his assistant, Warrant Officer Ioannis Charisiadis, were able to conduct the training with a final certificate given by JFC Naples J4 staff. The eight personnel received basic user knowledge of M&T tools of the LOGFAS family and now have the requisite knowledge to attend follow-on courses in LATINA.  JFC HQ is will conduct an additional M&T Fundamentals course, as well as an additional LOGREP Basic course, in Bucharest 2-14 April 2017, in support of MND-SE.

Pictures by JFC Naples J4 personnel.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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