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JFC Naples MTT conducts civil-military training in Jordan

AMMAN, Jordan – Personnel from Allied Joint Force Command Naples’ Civil-Military Interaction/Civil-Military Cooperation (CMI/CIMIC) teams conducted a mobile training event on NATO civil emergency planning, Oct. 2 to 5, 2017.

The event was held in the Jordanian Armed Forces Directorate of Civil Military Affairs in Jordan’s capital city of Amman. Officers from the Jordanian Armed Forces and the national police attended the training.

The aim of this second Civil Emergency Planning mobile training mission was to introduce NATO military civil emergency planning and explain mandate, mission and procedures at strategic and operational levels. Additionally, the training focused on the contribution given by CMI-CIMIC to the civil emergency planning and on the capability of CMI-CIMIC staff as networking and interaction enablers for the other branches with the civil environment. During the training, participants were informed on best practices and practical steps to strengthen civil emergency/disaster and associated risk management.

While addressing the group, Jordanian Army Col. Samih Abusini, director of the Jordan Armed Forces Directorate of Civil Military Affairs, highlighted that Jordan is fully committed to establishing and implementing lasting relations with NATO in order to enhance the understanding of the civil domain in complex emergencies, where natural and man-made effects may undermine the nations resilience if already engaged in humanitarian emergencies affecting its own population or neighbouring countries.

The MTT also had the opportunity to visit the National Centre for Security & Crisis Management, where the team was provided an overview of the centre’s capabilities.

The JFC Naples MTT activity supports NATO objectives and helps build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region and promote increasing interoperability with NATO.

Story and photo by JFC Naples J9 division

Personnel from Allied Joint Force Command Naples’ Civil-Military Interaction/Civil-Military Cooperation (CMI/CIMIC) teams conducted a mobile training event on NATO civil emergency planning,  Oct. 2 to 5,  2017.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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