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JFC Naples monitored a self-evaluation of eight units in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Story by JFC Naples J9


BANJA LUKA, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) - Manjaca Training Area, BiH Armed Forces (AF) organized and conducted the Dynamic Response ‘17/5 Exercise, 15 to 19 May 2017.

In this framework, under the monitoring of NATO JFC Naples Team led by ITA Lieutenant Colonel Ivano Fiorentino, a national evaluation team reinforced with other partner countries (The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia*, Montenegro and Serbia) evaluated eight units declared into the NATO Operational Capabilities Concept and Feedback (OCC E&F) Program.

As part of NATO’s Military Outreach Policy the OCC E&F is a mutually beneficial and important tool to modernize the defense forces of partners and to contribute to ongoing capacity building efforts in NATO.

The declared BiH pool of forces showed their capability to be deployed in a fictitious crisis response operation scenario and to operate in a NATO led mission.
As a wide range of specialized units of coy/platoon level, the event required a huge real life, logistic and organizational effort but it was very well compensated by the professional commitment of all personnel involved in the exercise. 

Dynamic Response ‘17/5 offered a general overview of the tremendous efforts provided by BiH AF to fulfil all the steps to certify the entire force package declared under OCC E&F program. It was a great opportunity to measure the tangible contribution offered by the European Union Force and NATO Head quarters Sarajevo to enhance the BiH AF capability in recent years.

* Turkey recognizes The Republic of Macedonia with its Constitutional name.

Group photo of the monitoring team with BiH Armed Forces. Photo by JFC Naples J9.

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