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JFC Naples is represented at the Cyber Security Conference in the Prefecture of Benevento

Story by Diana Sodano

BENEVENTO, Italy - The Naples Atlantic Club, in cooperation with the University of Sannio, sponsored a conference on Wednesday aimed at facilitating the sharing of information on Cyber Security.  The conference was held at the Prefecture of Benevento and hosted by the Prefect herself, Dr. Paola Galeone.  The event was in the form of a workshop and dealed with cyber security issues viewed from many angles, from institutions to research centres to companies.


Welcome remarks were offered by the acting Prefect, Dr. Giuseppe Canale,  who delivered a lecture on what role the Prefecture has in handling issues of this nature. Welcome remarks were also offered by the Dean of the University of Sannio, Professor Filippo De Rossi, the Acting Mayor of Benevento, Dr.  Vincenzo Russi and the Chairman of the Italian Atlantic Committee and Chairman of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), Professor Fabrizio W. Luciolli.


Joint Force Command Naples was represented by Lt. Col. Felice De Lucia who presented NATO perspective about the cyber characteristics, who are the main cyber actors, what they can do to NATO networks, how NATO is defending from cyber-attacks and the significant operational impacts of cyber-attacks on non-NATO networks.


This is part of the community relations campaign to establish a good cultural and social exchange with the external community and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

Lt. Col. Felice De Lucia briefs the Cyber Security Conference about NATO's perspective on cyber capabilities and security. Courtesy Photo.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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