JFC Naples

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Story by JFC Naples JOC METOC

NAPLES, Italy - Meteorologists from across the Alliance gathered at Allied Joint Force Command Naples, December 12-13, for the twenty-sixth iteration of the Joint Operations METOC Support Committee (JOMSC).

The seminar provided an opportunity to discuss recent innovations and developments within the branch and assess the materiel state of the various METOC elements from across the alliance including reviewing and developing training policies and doctrines. Seminar organizers said weather has a profound effect on military operations and, in particular, at the operational level, the planning process that surrounds the formulation of an NRF operation or exercise. Earlier in 2017, the METOC section at JFC Naples held the inaugural NRF METOC Seminar aimed promoting a broader understanding of the NRF within the METOC community and delivered tailored METOC training specific to support the NRF. The success of this pilot seminar has meant its incorporation into the training policy of the METOC branch with the next iteration due to be hosted by JFC Brunssum in 2018.

Seminar attendees were welcomed by British Royal Air Force Wing Commander James Lafferty, assistant deputy director of JFC Naples Joint Operations Center. The event was hosted by the Deputy METOC Section Head, Greek Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Ioannis Matsangouras, and his team at JFC Naples.

Twelve representatives from the various elements of the Alliance and partner organizations attended the seminar. Attendees gathered at JFC Naples from Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Belgium, Joint Force Command Brunssum in the Netherlands, Air Command in Germany, the European Corps in Strasbourg, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps from both Spain and Italy, the NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen (E-3A AWACS component) in Germany, Multi-national Corps Northeast in Poland, and with others coming from as far as Allied Command Transformation in the United States of America to attend the seminar.

The METOC team at JFC Naples produces daily weather forecasts for the command team focusing on current exercises and current operations such as Operation Sea Guardian and the Kosovo Force and the impact that the weather is having in the land, air, and maritime operational environments.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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