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JFC Naples hosts North Africa Study Day

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Naples Political Advisor Office 

Following the success of our first Middle East workshop last month, Allied Joint Force Command Naples convened a North Africa Study Day on May 16 in preparation for this headquarters’ forthcoming role as the Hub for NATO’s Strategic Direction South. This was a larger-scale, full-day event which attracted more than 250 participants from across the NATO command structure as well as Allies, Partners and Partner Organisations. The Study Day focused on NATO’s partnerships and priorities in North Africa, with particular attention to the new security challenges which the region has faced since the Arab Spring. 

Guest speakers and participants included leading experts on the region, practitioners from NATO, and representatives of some of the partner organisations with which our liaison and coordination will be key for the success of NATO’s Southern Hub. These included the European Commission, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, the UN High Commission for Refugees and the African Union.

An audience member asks a question to the expert panel during the North African Study Day on May 16,  2017. JFC Naples members learned more about their role for the upcoming NATO Southern Hub regarding North Africa. Photo by FRA Navy Chief Petty Officer Sebastien Laurent. 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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