NAPLES, Italy – Allied Joint Force Command Naples hosted the 55th NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Working Group, Oct. 16 to 20, 2017.
Almost 70 representatives from a variety of NATO and partner nations, strategic commands, NATO subordinate commands and other agencies. According to event organizers, the participants contributed actively to develop the latest EOD doctrine and procedures.
The enduring aim of the EOD working group is to ensure standardization in the EOD field as it supports joint and combined operations and to advise the military committee on EOD topics and issues.
French Army Brig. Gen. Serge Martigny, assistant chief of staff joint engineering at JFC Naples, welcomed the delegation and stressed the importance of the EOD effort as part of the military-engineer domain and the need for synchronization between EOD and counter-IED procedures. In association with the event, an EOD exhibition was also organized by the Italian 21st Assault Engineers Regiment. The JFC Naples chief of staff, Italian Army Lieutenant General Luciano Portolano, met the delegation, visited the EOD exhibition and highlighted the relevance of EOD assets during military operations as a key life-saving element for our troops.
Open and effective discussions were held throughout the week, which group members said will now drive forward development in the EOD field until delegates meet again at the next EOD working group, slated for next year in the U.S.
Story by Italian Air Force Capt. Pasquale Petrillo, EOD staff officer, JENG division
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