RABAT, Morocco – Representatives from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted an Asymmetric Warfare-Counter-Terrorism Mobile Training Team (AW-CT MTT) to the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces, Oct. 09 to 12, 2017.
The JFC NAPLES team shared NATO doctrine and a large variety of case studies related to AW and CT with 32 Moroccan officers.
The MTT presented a wide variety of topics such as political, special operations, intelligence, counter IED, urban areas and desert warfare. Team members said this afforded the opportunity to deliver the most precise picture of relevant terrorism trends.
The MTT team presented the training to groups representing the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, the Auxiliary Forces and the Minister of Interior, which organizers said enhanced the course with fruitful testimonies based on their operational experience.
This MTT was the second NATO CT MTT. Officials said the training was built up using a holistic approach and interactive way, and the course benefited both the trainees and the trainers.
Moroccan Royal Air Forces Col. Adelkader Moumen, a chief of defense representative, chaired the closing ceremony. During his closing remarks, Moumen expressed his gratitude to JFC Naples and the CT MTT for its involvement and the lessons provided.
Story by JFC Naples J9