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JFC Naples conducts “Introduction to the Civil-Military Cooperation” training in Kuwait

Story by JFC Naples J9 

KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait – Subject Matter Experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples conducted a mobile training event on Civil-Military Cooperation, from Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, 2017. 

The aim of the mobile training mission was to provide the Kuwaiti training audience with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions and doctrines related to NATO’s provisions on CMI/CIMIC and its relevance in their daily duties and activities at the operational level.   While the main effort of the training focused on the operational level, a familiarization to the tactical and strategic levels were presented so participants could have an idea how these levels impacted the operational level procedures. Furthermore, the training included an initial overview on NATO mechanism and dynamics to ensure participants had a better understanding of NATO.

To meet the training objectives, several information and syndicate sessions were provided over a five-day period. The syndicate activities, which were well received by participants, stimulated an exchange of point of views and practical situations based on "real world” issues occurring during a Non-Article 5 Crisis Response Operations that were depicted in the case study. Participants thoroughly examined and discussed possible courses of actions to face specific challenges that may arise in such operations.

About 30 officers and civil servants from Kuwait’s Armed Forces, National Security Bureau, National Guard, Fire Departments and Police Departments attended the event.  The event was the second JFC Naples’ activity to be hosted in the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) Regional Centre, located in Kuwait City.  The Centre, funded and built by Kuwait, is the first of any of the NATO partnership frameworks to centralize NATO partnership activities in a framework’s region.  During the event, Mr. Fawaz Al Othman, manager of the ICI Regional Centre, addressed the group to express his gratitude to NATO and the JFC Naples MTT team for such committed assistance. 

This JFC Naples MTT activity has directly supported Kuwait/NATO shared military partnership areas of cooperation found in Kuwait’s Individual Partnership Cooperation Plan.  It also supports wider NATO aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability for future NATO missions.

Subject Matter Experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples pose with members of the Kuwaiti Armed Forces during Civil-Military Cooperation training event in Kuwait City. Courtesy Photo.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
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