Story by JFC Naples J9 Division.
NAPLES, Italy — An Expert Staff Meeting between JFC Naples and Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) took place from May 15 to 19, 2017.
The Jordanian Armed Forces HQ hosted a NATO delegation led by German Army Brigadier General Reinhard Kloss, JFC Naples Assistant Chief of Staff J9, for a Military Cooperation Expert Staff Meeting.
The JAF was well represented by staff officers from the International Cooperation Branch General Staff prepared to discuss ongoing partnership and military cooperation issues for 2017 and work on details for 2018 and beyond. Partnership representatives from NATO’s Military Partnership Division, Mons and Land Command Izmir also attended.
General Kloss attended office calls with Jordan Armed Forces Brigadier General Khalid Alshraha, Director of Joint Training, and Jordan Armed Forces Brigadier General Amjad Al Rudaini, Chief of Planning and Defense Requirements Department.
"Jordan is an extremely active Partner with NATO and there are always many details to discuss with them. Jordan occupies a key geopolitical position. These visits offer JFC Naples an opportunity to understand that position better. I was given key situational briefings regarding regional security challenges and threats which are very typical for developments in our own HQ,” said Brigadier General Kloss.
Discussions ranged from Mobile Training Teams for 2017 and 2018 to ongoing planning for the imminent Regional Exercise 17 – a JFC Naples assisted exercise which will be hosted by Jordan in September this year.
The Expert Staff Meeting was followed by a staff-level, two-day meeting to further develop Jordan’s Individually Tailored Roadmap 2017- 2021.